Quality system
Quality Assurance
From raw materials, intermediates to finished products, GMP system has been established and improved for over 20 years to ensure the traceability and consistence. For herbal extraction, API from herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine facilities, CFDA GMP Certificates have been obtained since 2002, updated 2015 and 2018 respectively, they are under strict surveillance of CFDA. For carbohydrates facility, NSF international GMP certificate has been obtained since 2015, updated 2018, NSF audit the facility twice a year. In 2006, 2011, 2015, Yixin herbal API facility and carbohydrate facility were inspected respectively by US FDA and classified as acceptable.
Quality Control
Yixin Quality Control Building is equipped with the first class testing instruments such as HPLC, GC, IR, AAS and etc. To secure the accuracy and consistency of data, data integrity system with audit trailing has been established since 2016. Fully trained lab technicians perform chemical analysis and testing on raw materials and finished products by validated scientific methods that allow you to offer your clients the reliable products.

HPLC station

GC station

Moisture test

Stability Testing